Maryland Association for the Education of Children
The MDAEYC's mission ties into what I believe in by "empowering" early childhood professionals while educating young children. It is also disappointing that society does take teaching young children as seriously as it needs to be since they are our future. MDAEYC shares a similar vision to help early childcare programs recognize the importance of having high quality early childhood education standards. MDAEYC would like to change the status of the early childhood profession with education and compensation. As early childhood professionals, we have the responsibility of informing society about the importance of early childhood education. The gift of teaching young children is a skill. Highly skilled early childhood professionals deserve to be compensated for their hard work.
I would be interested in filling the position of Accreditation chair. I feel in order to be competent in this position, you need to be organized and understand various policies and standards associated with what the state of Maryland expects from an early childhood program.
Maryland Family Network

Maryland Family Network supports my current position as Parent Coordinator for families which have children with disabilities from birth. Individuals with various experiences and backgrounds can collaborate to improve early childhood education. Maryland Family Network provides parents the resource of finding child care resource center in their area. I have a passion to help parents with resources which will help their child reach their full potential while assisting the family.
A position I would be interested in wit the Maryland Family Network is a consultant to coordinate a summit to help meet the needs of young children with disabilities and their families as well as young children without disabilities including their families. This is something I am interested in pursuing within the Maryland Family Network. In order to be competent in this position, you would need the similar skills that the late Ms. Skolnik possessed as the first hired with the program. She understood the demands placed on families with young children and had a passion to develop ways to help them within their community. She was able to connect with the public, which is a huge attribute to have in this position.
Association for Childhood Education International
Association for Childhood Education International shares the same ideas I have to improve early childhood education not only in the United States but throughout the world. They are committed to the well-being of all children whether the children are at home, school or in the community. I believe the community is essential in part of teaching children how to be productive members of society no matter their ability. The Association for Childhood Education also believes in the importance of keeping early childhood professionals about with new ideas and techniques. Another concept I am passionate about is that he Association for Childhood Education International practices is helping the public understand the rights and needs of children including the programs necessary to meet these needs.
At the Association for Childhood Education International, I would be interested in being a Professional Development and Research Specialist. The skills needed for this position is organization and a passion for research. In order to get the desired results, it is necessary to repeat the idea in a different manner until the desired results appear. Patience is another skill need for this position. You need to be a listener and observer to identify areas where early childhood professionals need the most assistance in order for them to feel confident in their skills.
National Early Childhood Teacher Training Association, Inc.
The National Early Childhood Teacher Training Association, Inc.(NECTTA) is designed to serve the professionals working with young children and their families in the state of Maryland including other states as well. This site provides various workshops and classes which are mostly held in Maryland. I love how their mission is to use technology to allow professional development to be more accessible. They have presentations in more than one language for a bi-lingual opportunity.
I would like to be a presenter on the NECTTA staff. In order to be competent in this position, you would need to very comfortable with technology and various ways to use technology for training opportunities. It would be beneficial to have partake in a webinar or taken an on-line training in order to understand what your audience may feel like which will affect the way the presentation is organized.
"It takes a village to raise a child."
-African Proverb-