Play energizes us and enlivens us. It eases our burdens. It renews our natural sense of optimum and opens us up to new possibilities.
Stuart Brown, MD
Contemporary American psychiatrist
Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning.
Fred Rogers
American television personality
My sister and I enjoyed playing Barbie together. We would play with the Barbie's house and design it. Barbie had a car where we would pretend she was driving to the store or the beach. I had a giraffe that was just as tall as me when I was three years old. That was my favorite stuffed animal. I would pretend to ride it. My grandfather bought my sister and I "My Little Ponies". We would play with our ponies at my grandparents house during the summer. We would pretend they would run in a field.
My family loved how my sister and I played together very well. We are two and a half years apart. My family bought us toys we could play with together. We had video games and a computer. My sister and I enjoyed playing Barbie, riding our bikes, painting and coloring. My family provided us with the opportunities and materials for us to play.
Play has changed due to the increase of technology. Many families do not regulate the use of technology and encourage their children go outside to play. Early childhood professionals can help parents find a balance between technology play and imaginary play. Technology for children has increased dramatically in recent years. The toys have changed also. Some board games have been modified to include a component of technology. Technology has changed how children play from when I was a child.
I hope early childhood professionals can help families find a balance between playing with technology and imaginary play. Families seem to have less opportunities to play together due to the demands of their careers and lack of understanding for the need children have to release energy/frustration through play. Children with special needs usually have accommodations for frequent breaks which allows them to get up to move more often than their typically developing peers. Children need opportunities to play which should reduce challenging behaviors in the classroom. Society needs to be mindful about the impact play has on a child's development.
Play encourages children to use their imagination. When children use imaginary play, they have the opportunity to develop creative ideas. Play also helps children adapt socially. Children which have the opportunity to use imaginary play become productive and effective members of society.
"It takes a village to raise a child." -African Proverb-