My hope is that the children and families I work with feel comfortable with who they are where they can share different aspects of their background no matter their culture. Children need to feel that it is okay to be themselves without being ridiculed. Families need to feel their children are able to express the culture in a safe environment. By having a diverse classroom presents the opportunity for the children to learn about different ideas around the world. In turn, our children would be more of a well-rounded thinker in order to contribute additional ideas to an evolving society.
My goal is to become a socially diverse individual. I need to experience more activities of different cultures and inquire about the reason the people participate in the activity. I would like to get a deeper understanding of why different cultures eat the types of food they do. I believe that will give me a better understanding of how those families lived and what they needed to do to survive. I would also like to understand why the culture wears the type of garb I see. It will give me a better understanding of the type of climate they are accustomed. I plan on taking the information to become less judgemental. When I see a child that does not have an appropriate coat for the "cold snap" does not necessarily mean they do not have the financial resources. It may mean they are not familiar with the climate in our community. It will help me see each family uniquely instead of being judgemental.
Thank you colleagues and Professor Tammy for all of your encouraging words and support. I look forward to the continued opportunity to grow together professionally. Thank you for sharing your personal experiences. It helped me realize I am not the only one finding my way in a society which is not always supportive of our cause.
Thank you again & Good fortune in all you do!
"It takes a village to raise a child." -African Proverb-