Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I was surprised to find out that self-denigration can prevent the needed improvement.  It is one thing to recognize your weakness though it is unhealthy to attack yourself or self-denigration.  It can be very overwhelming making sure all families feel comfortable at our facilities and it may not come together the way we expect.  We still do not want to commit self-denigration.  In order to escape self-denigration, we need to redirect our energy to positive experiences to promote positive communication (O'Hair & Weimann, 2012).

Self-concept is very powerful when communicating with others.  The way we view ourselves through examining our strengths and weakness effects when or how we communicate with others.  Our perception of ourselves causes us to think about others through the way we view ourselves.  Social comparison also plays a large role in how we view others next to ourselves.  We may view ourselves as more of an expert on children than the families we work with in our facilities.  As a member of the infants and toddlers program, I see myself as an asset to the team due to the fact that my child went through the program and understand what many of the families are going through.  Currently, I am not a highly qualified teacher and I am unable to assess or provide services to the children in the program (O'Hair & Weimann, 2012).
Individuals with high self-esteem typically demonstrates more confidence in their interpersonal relationships.  They feel they have the necessary skills to make others smile when they smile.  I learned that individuals with low self-esteem will flaunt that fact they are in a relationship by showing an abundance of affection in public to show they are loved.  Those individuals which are confident in who they are tend not to flaunt their abilities or look for others to tell them they are doing good work.  The service providers who are good at their jobs do not boast about their skills and are team players.  The service providers which has low self-esteem are not team players and think the team is out to get them when helpful information is shared (O'Hair & Weimann, 2012).
When it comes to self-efficacy, it is not good for the individuals to be overconfident in their ability.  We model techniques to assist parents in their children reaching their full potential.  There needs to be a confidence of knowing we can teach children with various abilities while incorporating the unique attributes of their cultures.  As an early childhood professional, it would be beneficial to understand that even though we are responsible for educating society about the importance of early learning, we still have to realize there is so much to learn from or families (O'Hair & Weimann, 2012).
O’Hair, D. & Wiemann, M. (2012).  Real Communication:  An introduction.  New York:  Bedford/St. Martin’s.

"It takes a village to raise a child." -African Proverb-

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Communicating Differently

I do communicate differently with colleagues at work than my family.  When I communicate with my colleagues, I do not speak about personal concerns in my life.  I keep the conversation about assisting the families we work with and meeting their needs.  I discuss the bare minimum about my personal life and usually only if it is an issue which will cause me not to be in the office.  I avoid having a personal conversation with my colleagues at work.
I am more comfortable being myself with my sister.  I do not feel the need to watch how I say things due to the fact she understands who I am.  We have a similar point of view politically where we can celebrate when certain people are elected into office.  We also value the principles of Christianity and support each other accordingly.  I have know my sister since I was two and half years old and we have a history which can not be forgotten.  My sister is a part of who I am and love.
Unlike my colleagues at work, my sister appreciates me for who I am.  I can trust that she will not lie to me and will communicate ideas to help me instead of hurt me.  Since this is the case, I feel more comfortable communicating with my sister than my colleagues at work.  I am also confident that she will not use what I say against me and truly consider my point of view.  My sister communicates her love for me and concern for my overall well-being.  In knowing my sister genuinely cares for me, I am more inclined to communicate with her about my personal and professional life.

"It takes a village to raise a child." -African Proverb-

Friday, November 9, 2012

Communication with Archer

Archer is the main character in the show.  In the episode I watched, a solider in uniform shocked Archer with jumper cables.  A distinguished lady with a suit seems to be Archer's boss.  She tells others to do things to him.  The lady with the tall boots and brown hair is his partner.  They became intimate.  After that, their relationship became more childish in nature, by knocking items out of Archer's hands.  Many of the women Archer comes in contact with have intimate relationships with him.  The relationships turn into relationships without trust and/or disgust.  Archer seems to manipulate his relationships and in turn, people find it difficult to trust or understand why he does certain things.
I feel the characters in the show do not like Archer.  The body language expressed that people do not believe what Archer tells them after they learn he will manipulate the situation.  The characters expressed nonverbally their dislike for the way Archer presents himself both professionally and personally.  Archer seemed to ignore their non-verbal cures.
The assumptions I made was the woman in the suit was Archer's boss and the woman with the tall boots and brown hair was his partner.  I assumed the man in the uniform was trying to harm Archer by getting him to tell secrets.  The assumptions I did make were correct about the relationships.  The assumptions about the details about how the relationships came to be was inaccurate.
The lady I thought was Archer's boss is his mother.  The lady with the tall boots and brown hair was Archer girlfriend for several months.  The man in the uniform worked with Archer and his mother told the man in uniform to simulate a very uncomfortable situation to test if he would revel the secrets.  The man in the uniform was found later in the episode that he was a spy.
I feel I would have been more accurate with a show I have seen before.  I would understand the details of the characters.  I would have a better understanding about why they make certain decision and how they feel about different ideas.  I would also have a better idea of the inner working of the show.  I feel I have developed a relationship with the characters in the show I enjoyed watching.

"It takes a village to raise a child." -African Proverb-

Friday, November 2, 2012


My best friend is a wonderful communicator.  Our conversation are honest and I know she will tell me the truth even if I do not want to hear it.  I trust her with my feelings and I know she will respect my point of view even if she does not agree.  We are free to communicate how we feel about diversity and equity.  We help each other maintain healthy mental health to better serve our families.  I know she cares about me and I care about her.  We have a mutual understanding of our unique needs for our families.  We constantly are collaborating about how society needs to strive for equity.  We can talk about what we need to do to serve our families better with breaching the confidence of our families.
We do model communication styles after one another.  The main attribute is honesty.  Families need to be able to trust me and being honest is a main characteristic which leads to trust.  In my relationship, I know that since she will not lie to me that the suggestions or advice she may give is because she genuinely cares for me without having an alternative motive.  Families are giving us their most precious gifts, their children.  In order to be able to serve the families and work together to form a team, trust is a must.  If we do not have trust, we will be unable to work as a team in order for their child to reach their full potential.

"It takes a village to raise a child." -African Proverb-