Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sharing Web Resources

I chose the Zero to Three website.  Zero to Three is a non-profit organization which provides resources to educate and assist society involved with infants and toddlers  Their mission is to ensure the healthy overall development of infants and toddlers.  I signed up for the e-newsletter called Baby to Big Kid.  I have not received a newsletter yet.  I look forward to reading what techniques they suggested to parents to enhance the overall development of their child.

Zero to Three has weekly downloads called Healthy Minds.  This week's download deals with promoting the healthy development of newborns to two months old.  The handout provides information about how parents can nurture their baby's development.  Research shows how essential the parents relationship is to the overall development of their baby in order to adapt to society.

There is an area which provides scenarios to help parents understand they are not alone, especially being a new parent.  The situation is taken apart and the techniques the parents used are explained in how it promotes the overall development of their baby.  A chart is provided which describes different situations, tips on what to do and things for parents to consider.  It is an useful resource to help parents determine what is normal and enhance their development.

"It takes a village to raise a child." -African Proverb-


  1. Great choice in resource, this site provides much information on all spectrum's. I found some wonderful sources on the site to share with my co workers geared toward how to further serve and work with young Infants and Toddlers.

  2. This sounds like an excellent resouce. Teaching parents is so important. The resource I mentioned in my post actually commented on how parents are the childrens first teachers, and this is o important. I definitely want to sign up for this as well. These weekly downloads also sound great. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I also chose to use the Zero to Three website. I really like this site. While I am not a parent yet, I know that when that time comes I will look to their site for information. I am sure the newsletter is going to offer even more great information. As a new childcare director I need as many resources as I can use.


"It takes a village to raise a child."
-African Proverb-