Saturday, June 29, 2013

Time Well Spent


I was intrigued to find early childhood opportunities in other countries. I plan on creating relationships with other countries to develop exchange programs to provide early childhood professionals opportunities to collaborate. 
I have also learned that I should not be leery of making a mistake though using the experience as an opportunity to grow.
No matter the project, I should take into account the intended as well as the unintended consequences of the way the issue is approached and who will be affected.  
Leadership does not only apply to administration.  Leadership skills can be used in any capacity.  I have made the choice to be leader in informing my community about my passion dealing with young children that have disabilities.
My long-term goal is to open a Montessori School in Dorchester County.  A quote that inspires me by Dr. Maria Montessori is our care of children should be governed not by the desire to make them learn things, but by the endeavor always to keep burning within them the light which is called intelligence.
I would like to thank Dr. Teri and my classmates for the encouragement and feedback that I will take with me in my future endeavors.  Good fortune to you and many blessings in all you do.
Thank You and Congratulations!
Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.
-Maria Montessori-
Free the child's potential, and you will transform him into the world.
-Maria Montessori-
Tell me and I forget.  Show me and I remember.  Involve me and I understand.
-Chinese proverb-


Rohzawne Jackson's Contact Information


"It takes a village to raise a child." -African Proverb-

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

UNICEF is committed to providing the most unique protection of children that are affected by war, disasters, poverty on the extreme, those which have been witness on victim of violence/exploitation and young children with disabilities.  They have a community of practice that caught my eye.  ISSA is also international learning community that works in collaboration with UNICEF.  It is a learning community that allows professionals to share their ideas.  ISSA works on-line communication as well as meetings in person. 
I would be interested in working as a policy analyst.  In order to be competent in this position, I would need to be up-to-date with policies and current issues.  I need to be able to research various points of view to understand the thinking of early childhood professionals globally.

The International Early Childhood Education was established in India.  It was developed to find ways to fix the major issues that exist in early childhood education in India.   The ICF understands the culture in India to help develop the best solutions for early childhood education.  Research is needed to assess the progress children are making in India in early childhood education.  I would be interested as a professional development trainer.  In order to be competent as a professional development trainer, I will need to be effective and understand how culture affects me directly.  I need to understand the adult learning theory.  As a trainer, I will be teaching adults ways to implement their ideas to benefit the young children and their families in India.  In order to be competent at this job, I need to be a reflective listener to hear all points of view.  I need to be able to build relationships and collaborate.

Education International represents teachers and educational staff around the world.  They play a large part in uniting teachers globally.  Education International speaks up for those who work in the field of education.  Their goals are to help with quality education, bring the interests of teachers includes those working in education and creating an equal society.  Education International appeals to me due to their passion of being the voice for professionals that work in education.  Currently, they have a receptionist position available in Brussels.  The position requires me to be able to speak English fluently and be able to speak French or Spanish.  I need to be able to work collaboratively and build relationships through my skills to communicate.  I need to have the ability to work in a fast pace atmosphere. 

MAASE is a community of practice which collaborates with all educators and community partners to find ground breaking techniques that will assist students wit disabilities reach their full potential.  MAASE is a professional educational organization in the state of Michigan.  This organization is a part of the Special Education community.  They work collaboratively with the Council of Exceptional Children.  MAASE gives opportunities for professional development to the leadership staff involved with special education.  They currently have a position to be the Early On and Family Services Supervisor which interests me.  I need to be able to collaborate with various department and agencies.  I need to be able to conduct research to find the necessary information from professional journals and be able to write reports or procedure for manuals.  I need to be able to communicate clearly and continue to be reflective in order to communicate clearly. 

"It takes a village to raise a child." -African Proverb-

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

The National Center for Learning Disabilities have a similar vision as mine to teach parents the skills necessary to advocate for their children while helping people with learning difficulties and disabilities.  The historical overview explains that Pete and Carrie Rozelle wanted to increase public awareness, identifying financial support through grants for research and is a leader which began in 1977.  I would be interested in being an advocate to reach policymakers.  It is important to know the law and keep up-to-date with the last research or articles.  I would need to learn the terms the legislation is using.  I would also need to research current practices and read comments from parents and staff.

The Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center improves systems and outcomes for children with disabilities.  They have been established to help states with research-based interventions which will improve the outcomes of infants, toddlers and preschoolers in order for them to reach their full potential.  I would like to be a part of the staff as a research assistant to help with technical assistance to meet the needs of children with disabilities through implementation of very important components.  I need to use my communication skills to build relationships with various professionals in order to collaborate.

The National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities have a plethora of information for the nation.  They are considered the central location for information to help families that have children with disabilities.  I would like to be a researcher to help early childhood professionals find technologies to handle challenging behaviors associated with disabilities.  I will need to understand the law and the revisions policymakers would like to implement.  I need to understand the policy makers view to conduct research which appropriately handles the policies that are not beneficial to the population it affects directly.

The National Council on Disability Living, Learning and Earning works with policies that affects people with disabilities.  The National Council on Disability Living started as a small advisory council which was a part of the Department of Education in 1978. They serve as an advisor in regards to policy, programs, procedures and practices for people with disabilities.  I would like to serve on the advisory council as a full-time professional.  The skills I would need is organization, communication skills and knowledge about policies effecting young children with disabilities.  I will need to understand how to communicate in a persuasive manner.  I need to be a team player and collaborate with a variety of disciplines.

"It takes a village to raise a child." -African Proverb-

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: Local and State Levels

Maryland Association for the Education of Children

The MDAEYC's mission ties into what I believe in by "empowering" early childhood professionals while educating young children.  It is also disappointing that society does take teaching young children as seriously as it needs to be since they are our future.  MDAEYC shares a similar vision to help early childcare programs recognize the importance of having high quality early childhood education standards.  MDAEYC would like to change the status of the early childhood profession with education and compensation.  As early childhood professionals, we have the responsibility of informing society about the importance of early childhood education.  The gift of teaching young children is a skill.  Highly skilled early childhood professionals deserve to be compensated for their hard work.
I would be interested in filling the position of Accreditation chair.  I feel in order to be competent in this position, you need to be organized and understand various policies and standards associated with what the state of Maryland expects from an early childhood program.
Maryland Family Network

Maryland Family Network supports my current position as Parent Coordinator for families which have children with disabilities from birth.  Individuals with various experiences and backgrounds can collaborate to improve early childhood education.  Maryland Family Network provides parents the resource of finding child care resource center in their area.  I have a passion to help parents with resources which will help their child reach their full potential while assisting the family.
A position I would be interested in wit the Maryland Family Network is a consultant to coordinate a summit to help meet the needs of young children with disabilities and their families as well as young children without disabilities including their families.  This is something I am interested in pursuing within the Maryland Family Network.  In order to be competent in this position, you would need the similar skills that the late Ms. Skolnik possessed as the first hired with the program.  She understood the demands placed on families with young children and had a passion to develop ways to help them within their community.  She was able to connect with the public, which is a huge attribute to have in this position. 
Association for Childhood Education International

Association for Childhood Education International shares the same ideas I have to improve early childhood education not only in the United States but throughout the world.  They are committed to the well-being of all children whether the children are at home, school or in the community.  I believe the community is essential in part of teaching children how to be productive members of society no matter their ability.  The Association for Childhood Education also believes in the importance of keeping early childhood professionals about with new ideas and techniques.  Another concept I am passionate about is that he Association for Childhood Education International practices is helping the public understand the rights and needs of children including the programs necessary to meet these needs.
At the Association for Childhood Education International, I would be interested in being a Professional Development and Research Specialist.  The skills needed for this position is organization and a passion for research.  In order to get the desired results, it is necessary to repeat the idea in a different manner until the desired results appear.  Patience is another skill need for this position.  You need to be a listener and observer to identify areas where early childhood professionals need the most assistance in order for them to feel confident in their skills.
National Early Childhood Teacher Training Association, Inc.

The National Early Childhood Teacher Training Association, Inc.(NECTTA) is designed to serve the professionals working with young children and their families in the state of Maryland including other states as well.  This site provides various workshops and classes which are mostly held in Maryland.  I love how their mission is to use technology to allow professional development to be more accessible.  They have presentations in more than one language for a bi-lingual opportunity.
I would like to be a presenter on the NECTTA staff.  In order to be competent in this position, you would need to very comfortable with technology and various ways to use technology for training opportunities.  It would be beneficial to have partake in a webinar or taken an on-line training in order to understand what your audience may feel like which will affect the way the presentation is organized.


"It takes a village to raise a child." -African Proverb-

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Profile of a Volunteer

The person I have elected to describe as a volunteer is a close relative, my Aunt.  She works as a Sunday School teacher and Girl Scouts leader.  She has a good spirit and good heart.  She works tirelessly to teach young children how to respect themselves and their community.  The African proverb, "it takes a village to raise a child", is what she practices.  The families in her church community needs assistance and resources to care for the members in their families.  The concerns families have in this community forces families have in this community forces families to work more than one job which do not allow them the opportunity to do activities with their children.  Many families need the Girl Scouts and Sunday School as a resource.  Sunday School and the Girl Scouts provides financial assistance for families and their children.  The Girl Scouts take trips and Sunday School has various activities where the volunteers celebrate with children including their families.  The volunteers like my Aunt make it possible for children to participate in a safe activities in their community which helps families know their child is safe in their absence.

The message I "take away" from volunteer's efforts is that their work is tireless and endless.  In a volunteer position, we need to support each other and celebrate each accomplishment.  Volunteers also have the potential to become burnt out since they work tirelessly to help families and young children. 
Celebrate!   Celebrate!    Celebrate!
Celebration will help the volunteers feel important and that their role is meaningful to the cause.

"It takes a village to raise a child." -African Proverb-


Friday, April 12, 2013

Using Social Media to Get Connected!

I use social media to keep my family abreast of what my children are doing.  I send pictures, videos and statements about their achievements including activities.  It give my family the opportunity to view them at their earliest convenience an respond.  They can save the pertinent information.

Facebook and MySpace are the social networks I have used.  Now, I can add blogs to my repertoire.  I could post pictures of family gathering where my family could tag a picture or comment which was posted.  I am able to keep up with the most current events posted. 
There were several social media tools which were given that I could use.  I can subscribe to newsletters of non-profit organizations that can help my cause.  I can create a Twitter account to follow organizations and stay current.  YouTube is a great resource for me to discover additional organizations which believe in my cause.  I will continue to use blogs as an addition to find up-to-date results for my cause.

Social media can be used to see how the community feels about the issue I am advocating.  I can provide links informing the community about the issue.  Videos about how young children with disabilities have confidence and build friendships when they have the proper supports in the classroom.  My blog can be used to show the progress my son has made form starting with the infants and toddlers program to his current station in school, third grade.  My experience can help the issue become more real and I hope other parents will feel free to share their experiences also.
Are there any other resources with social media I can use to help the community and policymakers understand the need for additional training to meet the diverse needs of young children with disabilities?

"It takes a village to raise a child." -African Proverb-

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Advocacy Messages

I found this advertisement very inspiring because families do not want to hear something is wrong with their young child.  From personal experience, I was in denial at first when the doctor discovered developmental issues with my son.  I believed that when he began to walk, he would be okay or no longer need special education.  The fact of the matter was that my son needed the accommodations special education had to offer in order to reach his full potential.  I was happy I did not wait.  A part of my responsibility is to let parents know that they do not need to worry, though the early they get the help they need for their young child to reach their full potential the better.
Bright Futures for Every Child, Every Nation
This advertisement was very inspiring because it reinforces reaching out to other countries and learning more about their culture including their educational system.  As early childhood educators, we have a mutual responsibility to educate our young children and their families.  Other countries would be interested in collaborating with one another to find solutions for the issues plaguing our countries.

This advertisement is inspiring to help parents and society understand the importance of all experiences children have starting from birth.  

"It takes a village to raise a child." -African Proverb-

Friday, March 29, 2013

My Own Capacity

My passion is to assist families which have young children with disabilities obtain he necessary resources for their child to reach their full potential within an early childhood setting.  My family experienced first hand finding the necessary resources for my son to reach his full potential in an early childhood setting by working with the Infants and Toddlers program.  I understand some of the concerns parents which have young children with disabilities.  I plan to use my experience and skills to help families understand the differences of an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) and Individualized Education Plan (IEP) in order to maximize the services they receive.  Family Support Services is a wonderful resource for families which have young children with disabilities.  They can link parents with additional ideas and techniques to help their children receive the necessary help to be successful and reach their full potential.  They have literature and various assistive technology.  They are unique due to the fact they have children with disabilities which have been through the public school system.  Since I have personally been in the position of the families that have young children with disabilities, it is knowledge I have obtained through my experience.  I have advocated for my son in order to make sure he had the foundational skills to build upon at the next grade level.  I hope to become a more confidence in order to take the necessary steps in the legislative process.

"It takes a village to raise a child." -African Proverb-

Saturday, March 23, 2013

My Role as an Advocate

I began my professional journey as a chemist.  When I found out my youngest son had a developmental delay, I wanted to pursue education in order to help him reach his full potential.  I believe he needed the necessary fundamental skills to build upon through his educational career.  I decided that I should help other parents speak up for what is best for their child. 
By becoming an informed voter, citizens can advocate for issues which are important to them.  It is essential to understand the legislative process to know where to begin with the advocacy process.  In order to be an effective advocate, it is crucial to understand the rules and procedures of the state and local government.  There are different ways of advocating  to affect policies like lobbying.  It is essential to become as informed about the legislative process to determine the best option to advocate effectively (Kieff, 2009).

In order to be a state leader on early childhood issues, it is essential to understand and track legislation.  The bills, which are proposed, need to read and understood by state leaders on early childhood issues.  The state's legislator's office has copies of bills and committee reports that can be given to individuals upon request.  The Library of Congress is also an excellent resource to receive information about the status of bills and which bills have been through the process (Kieff, 2009).
I am currently a member of the Local Interagency Coordinating Council (LICC), Judy Center Steering Committee, Special Needs Advisory committee.  I work with the Health Department, educators form different schools, YMCA, Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) in order to reach families with children and advocate for quality early childhood programs.  Unfortunately, my community does not have many quality early childhood programs, especially programs for infants.  I have aligned myself with individuals which believe in the importance of quality early childhood programs fro all families that have young children of all abilities that have young children of all abilities and backgrounds.  I have the opportunity to immobilize others through the various committees and organizations where collaboration takes place.

The advice I would give to a person interested in taking a leadership role advocating for young children and their families is aligning themselves with organizations which have a connection to young children and their families.  It is essential to understand what the community has to offer families with young children.  The families with young children need to feel respected as the first teacher in their child's life, I would also suggest the person gets to know the culture of the community they are working in.
Most importantly, the person should stay current with the policies effecting young children as well as their families in the community.  The last piece of advice I would give to a person interested in a leadership role in early childhood is remember to smile.  Individuals tend to gravitate to someone with a smile on their face and a more willing to open up with them.

Kieff, J.  (2009).  Informed advocacy in early childhood care and education.  Upper Saddle River, NJ:  Pearson.


"It takes a village to raise a child." -African Proverb-

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Personal Advocacy Reflection

My youngest son is currently in third grade with a diagnosis of Pervasive Developmental Disorder/ Autism Spectrum.  When my youngest son participated in the infants and toddlers program, he attended Head Start.  During the IEP development meeting, one person on the team helped me understand that it was not the end of the world if my son needed the services special education had to offer in order for him to reach his full potential.  The person made sure I was comfortable with the services he would receive in order to reach his full potential.  The person was able to sympathize with me due to the fact that they also raised a son with unique needs.  The person ensured my voice was heard during the meeting concerning the educational needs for my son.

"It takes a village to raise a child." -African Proverb-

Friday, March 1, 2013

Reflecting on My Collegial, Professional Learning Community

I really enjoyed the valuable suggestions to make me more well-rounded early childhood professional in order to better advocate for young children and their families.
I appreciate learning from my colleagues' experiences.  Different state have strengths in various areas of the early childhood system.  I used the best aspects of the different states to create an early childhood system which can serve the young children and their families.  I have learned that the state I reside in is not the only state finding ways to successfully met the unique needs of young children and their families.
History is essential for developing a comprehensive early childhood system.  I have learned that understanding the history allows me to become more intimate with my community.  A comprehensive early childhood system can be as effective as what is needed in the community.  I can learned what worked in the past to modify them for the future.

I plan to continue to find ways to engage families of all backgrounds to participate in their young child's education.  Early childhood education needs to be deemed as a respected profession by society.  I would like to continue to identify more ways to educate our society of the importance of investing in early childhood education to ensure our future.

I would like to thank Dr. Thomason for all of your encouraging words.  I would like to thank my colleagues for sharing your experiences with me.  Good fortune in all of your endeavors!

"It takes a village to raise a child." -African Proverb-

Saturday, February 16, 2013

My Hypothetical Family Situation

The Jyzlan's are expecting fraternal twins which are a boy and a girl to add to the four children they have currently.  Mr. Jyzlan is serving in the military.  They travel most of the time and they do not have family close.  Mr. Jyzlan is scheduled to deploy two weeks after the birth of the babies.  Their four other children are two boys and two girls which are the ages 10, 8, 6 and 4.  Mr. Jyzlan is an officer in the military.  They have a modest income and Mrs. Jyzlan does not work outside the home. Last week, they had a doctor's appointment to discuss the results of the amniocentesis.  They found out the girl has Downs Syndrome.  The couple informed the doctor that since Mr. Jyzlan is serving in the military, they travel most of the time and do not have family close.  As an overwhelmed look came over their faces, they asked the doctor what services are available since they do not have family close by?

Does the Jyzlan family seem like a real family?
Do I need more information on the Jyzlan family to paint a better picture of their situation?

"It takes a village to raise a child." -African Proverb-

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Politcal Will to Improve Early Childhood Systems

Communication requires both sides.  Parents are encouraged to listen during the meeting to gain as much information as possible about their child's educational program.  If parents have issues with their child's program, parents need to clearly communicate their concerns honestly.  A parent should not feel intimidated.  They need to be confident and ask the necessary questions to make sure they agree with their child's education programs (PACER Center, 2002).

Professional development is changing due to the new common core standards.  Since common core places new demands on educators, professional development needs o reflect the changes.  Common core presents additional concerns in meeting the unique needs of students with disabilities.  The educational system is currently looking into techniques and strategies to offer educators teaching children with disabilities and common core standards.

In my county, there have been trainings to help educators understand the unique needs of children with disabilities.  Different disabilities cause certain behavioral concerns as well as developmental delays.  The trainings help educators recognize issues in order to put interventions in place which will benefit the entire class.  The educators participated in a book club which was a fictional depiction of a child on the autism spectrum.  During the book club, teachers opened up about the unique needs of their families.  They began to understand some of the challenges parents go through.

Our society is very diverse.  Educators are learning how essential it is to inquire about different cultures.  The families must see the importance of early childhood education where politicians will view the parental commitment by investing their time.  Families must feel respected and understood in order consider committing their time to early childhood education.

"It takes a village to raise a child." -African Proverb-

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Parent, Family, and Community Engagement

Opportunities for parents are essential in order for the appropriate ways citizens behave in society can be modeled.  Young children are predominantly with their parents during their childhood.  In my experience, young children observe their parents behavior.  Their parents are their first teachers.  Early childhood professionals need their parents to reinforce the skills being taught at school.  We,as early childhood professionals, require parents to invest in their child's education for our work to be successful.

These stories help society and policy makers realize how essential it is to develop a relationship with schools in order for their child to become thinkers.  Parents want their children to go to college and reach their full potential.  Those parents which did not take a more active part in their children lives regret that decision encourage parents to participate in their child's life.  Parents, that were not active in their child's life, realize how important they are to the success of their child's future.
Family involvement is essential for the early childhood field to be successful.  The parents are children's first teachers.  They have the ability to advocate for programs which benefit their children.  Their voice can help policy makers understand the importance of early childhood programs in preparing their children for the future.  We need to encourage our families to advocate for the early childhood programs which assist their young children reach their full potential no matter their ability.  Family involvement proves to policymakers that the families believe that early childhood programs are beneficial for their children due to the time families invest in early childhood programs.

"It takes a village to raise a child." -African Proverb-

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Quality Programs for All Children

I hope in the next five years that society lifts the label off special education.  Society tends to see the label instead of the child.  I would like to see society refer to the unique needs or the label the child was given as an "attribute".  Children with unique needs view the world in a different light.  I hope society learns to embrace the way children with unique needs view the world.
I hope when the view of society changes, policies will reflect how children with unique needs should not be put in a box though allowed to express their ideas  For years, society have tried to force children with unique needs to think a certain way.  Their ideas were not appreciated or encouraged.  I hope when society changes their view of children with unique needs that they will be encouraged to express their ideas in order to feel good about who they are.  I believe more funding will be provided for early childhood professionals to meet the needs for all children no matter their ability.  I hope policies will reflect investing in curricula which allows children of all abilities to reach their full potential without pointing out children's unique needs.  I hope that preschool and early intervention educators work together to develop techniques to incorporate more inclusion opportunities.
I hope more families will become more involved in their child's education which have unique needs.  Before I entered the profession of early childhood education, I was a parent of a young child with unique needs.  I felt that even though my child had an IEP, they did not understand my child nor did they want to deal with him.  I hope parents feel they are truly heard instead of feeling their child is misunderstood.  More families would feel empowered to help early childhood professionals by re-enforcing what is taught in school.  I believe more parents would feel early childhood professionals want what is best for their child no matter their need or ability.  I also believe more parents would insist that their early childhood professionals have the training needed to ensure their child with unique needs has the proper expectations to reach their full potential.

"It takes a village to raise a child." -African Proverb-